Monday, November 25, 2019

Research International Business Opportunities Tourism Essay Essays

Research International Business Opportunities Tourism Essay Essays Research International Business Opportunities Tourism Essay Essay Research International Business Opportunities Tourism Essay Essay The intent of this feasibleness study is to confer with Natural Experience whether they have to open their eating house in Bahrain or non. This procedure will be done by analysing all positive and negative facets of Bahrain. A elaborate SWOT and PESTEL analysis will be done and some inside informations will be given about the rivals which already exist in Bahrain. After all this process a recommendation will be provide to Natural Experience that, will it be profitable for them to open there concern in Bahrain or non and will it spread out in Bahrain. Introduction The concern which is traveling to be introduced in Bahrain is an organic eating house. The name of the eating house is Organic Experience. It was formed in London, United Kingdom by a hubby and married woman named, Richard and Dora in 2001. They have come up with a dream that they will open a eating house with high quality organically grown nutrient. The caf A ; eacute ; was holding the capacity of 25 people and the staff which was hired was 6 employees and one manager.They had made a sensible net income in the first twelvemonth which shows that their concern is successful. Subsequently on they open a new subdivision in Canary Wharf but they were holding some ailments about their nutrient and got fined for that. But subsequently on the eating house maintain its quality and got good consequences at the terminal of the twelvemonth. After the success of their concern they decided to open 3rd subdivision near tower of London. This clip they change the name of the eating house to Natural Experience because of some legal issues and the enlargement in bill of fare. The thought of this Natural experience worked really good so after that they decided to franchise it. Here is a brief debut of United Kingdom. It had become a province in 927 AD. It is located in European continent. The place of UK on the Earth is 51 A ; deg ; 30?North and 0 A ; deg ; 7?West. The country is 243,610 sq. kilometer. and their official linguistic communication is English. The capital of UK is London. The statistics shows that there are 83.6 % British and 16.4 % non-British. Its population is 62,698,362 ( July 2011 est. ) : in which non-British are included. The authorities system is constitutional monarchy. The per capita income is $ 39,604. It is rich in natural resource and industries. The GDP of UK was $ 2.481 trillion. Peoples of all sorts live in UK and subsequently on most of them get the citizenship of UK. (, 2012 ) They were holding 5 franchised coffeehouse at the terminal of 2009 in UK. The income of Natural Experience reached 6.1 million Pounds out of which the net income was 1.9 million. After this success they spread their concern worldwide. The eating house will be unfastened in Bahrain. The location of the Natural Experience Caf A ; eacute ; will be Manama, because it is the capital of Bahrain. Bahrain City Centre will be the best topographic point to open eating house, the ground is, it is the best and the oldest in Bahrain and it is really celebrated as good. There are many of the eating houses but none of them are wholly organic so it will be really good for our caf A ; eacute ; . Promotion will be done to do it popular and if the eating house work good and started doing much gross so it will get down opening new franchises in Bahrain at the most fond points. This will be a key of enlargement in Bahrain. Swot Strengths The strength of the Natural Experience is its nutrient which is organic. There is a lack of healthy and organic eating houses in the universe. Peoples are looking for nutrient which is truly 100 % organic. The fleshiness is extremely increasing in Bahrain so the tendency of people is coming towards healthy and organic nutrient. The other strength of it is their bill of fare they have all sort of veggies which are organically grown and a assortment of meat dishes. There will be barely any eating house which is functioning this much nutrient types. They have drinks, salads, appetisers, sweets, soups and the chief classs. Failings Their failing will be the debut in Bahrain. As it will be new in Bahrain so it will non be much popular among the population. This failing can be minimized by making publicity and by the clip passes it will be celebrated. The concern is traveling to be presenting in Bahrain which has some rivals. They will give a difficult clip to Natural Experience because they had already built their repute in Bahrain. So it will be disputing for it. Opportunities They have the chance to spread out the concern in Bahrain. They can run their eating house on the most celebrated musca volitanss of Bahrain. This will be a beginning to acquire more popular because these musca volitanss are ever crowded and on weekends they reach to their extremes. Natural Experience demand skilled and efficient workers for their eating house without this they can non supply the best quality to the clients. So in Bahrain they can acquire skilled staff on lower rewards because there is no revenue enhancement system in Bahrain so the workers are agreed on lower wages. Menaces The biggest menace for the natural experience is the porc and the unhalal meat. They can acquire the halal meat locally but the porc is purely prohibited in Bahrain. This will cut down some dishes from the bill of fare but alternatively of porc other meat can be used such as beef, mouton, chicken etc. The authorities processs are really hard in Bahrain. They require a batch of attempts and high networking accomplishments to get down their eating house in Bahrain otherwise they have to confront many jobs and it will be really dearly-won for them. Besides these they should cognize all the Torahs and legal issues in Bahrain. Rival Analysis Organic Foods and Caf A ; eacute ; Organic Foods and Caf A ; eacute ; is house operated by a household. They sell organic and biodynamic nutrient. It has many shops across Dubai and they are the largest providers of organic nutrient in the universe. They produce fresh staff of lifes, fruits and veggies. They harvest everything free from all sorts of unreal fertiliser and chemicals. The nutrient is grown in household run organic farm throughout the universe. They are functioning to wellness witting and ecofriendly consumers. It is located in Al Seef promenade in Bahrain. ( Organic Foods and Caf A ; eacute ; , 2012 ) Strength The strength of Organic Food and Caf A ; eacute ; is their bringing service. They offer all sorts of nutrient at your door measure, no affair where you live in Bahrain. This service is giving them a really good response. Failing The monetary values of the caf A ; eacute ; are really high. Normal income individual can non afford it. So it will diminish the chances of the caf A ; eacute ; . Masso Masso is an organic eating house in Bahrain. It is originated from Italy and the full dishes served are Italian. The proprietor of the eating house is Susy Massetti. They sell organic nutrient with their particular vino. The Restaurant is located in The Palace, Adliya, Bahrain. ( masso eating house, 2012 ) Strength There particular sort of vino which is non available in Bahrain. This vino is made of their particular technique and merely served at their eating house. Failing Poor publicity of the eating house and the web site is besides non good designed. There is no proper location mentioned via map. PESTEL PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal. It is a tool to analyse any state before get downing a concern. This analysis gives you the best overview of the state you are traveling to work. Political Government Type The type of the authorities in Bahrain is constitution monarchy. The system is based on land and the male monarch of Bahrain is King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifah. As there is land so the political system is really stable and there is non much job between the authorities and parliament members. ( CIA, 2012 ) There will be non much political crisis for my eating houses because there is land and the concern can be run swimmingly. There will be less governmental fees and financess which will assist in addition the net income. Corruptness Bahrain ranks 46th in the universe for corruptness and it really low as compared to the other developed states. If there is more corruptness there will be more jobs in licensing and processs. ( CIA, 2012 ) There is less corruptness in Bahrain so all the processs will be done really fast and without any job. For the farther enlargement there will non be much trouble and the cost will be less. Economic Per capita income The per capita income is $ 27,900 which is really high compared to other states. The mean monthly income is $ 2,400. The people of Bahrain spend a batch on their shopping and life style. This will be really good for the eating house because the people will non holding much job in purchasing the expensive nutrient and besides that they are really much concerned about their wellness which is besides good. ( CIA, 2012 ) Labor The figure of labour in Bahrain is 666,000. Therefore the labour in Bahrain is really inexpensive and you can acquire professional cooks and staff at really low wages. ( CIA, 2012 ) This is really good for the Natural Experience they can engage the best staff without any excess charges. They can besides engage chefs which can cook organic nutrient and are expert in it. Social Literacy rate Harmonizing to the nose count of 2010 the literacy rate of Bahrain is 94.6 % and it is one of the top literate states. The people are good cognizant of the tendencies and are extremely educated. Because of the instruction degree they are developing really fast. The people who have better knowledge merely know the value of the organic nutrient. This will be the plus point of the eating house. Life criterions The life criterions of people are really high. They enjoy all the luxury of the universe. They use most of the best trade names. Most of the population is populating in urban countries and have all the installations near around. This shows the criterion of life of the people of Bahrain. There will be a positive impact on the Natural Experience of the people s criterion of life. They will bask the location and the luxury provided by the caf A ; eacute ; . Technological Internet users Bahrain has internet regular users above 420,000 and there is a good connexion with the societal media. As the clip is go throughing Bahrain is increasing in engineering. If there will be a web site it will truly assist to advance the concern. There could be a Facebook page which spreads message locally and to chitter so that the clients can follow us. Transportation system The transit system is really good in Bahrain because it s a little state and it has roadways of 3851 KM. All sorts of conveyance are available like taxis, coachs, private autos etc. The clients will non traveling to acquire any conveyance trouble in Bahrain because it will be good civilized. It will be in the range of all the clients. Environmental Climate The clime of Bahrain is really hot and mild. There is really hot air current throughout the summer and there is near approximately two to three months of cold conditions. Sometime the temperature exceeds 50 grade centigrade. Because of this conditions people normally do non come out of their house. These conditions will severely impact the concern of Natural Experience. There should be high efficient centralized AC in the eating house. Terrain Most of the land in Bahrain is desert with hot air currents. The H2O is merely in the sea, there is no H2O on the land degree. Because of the desert the cultivation of harvests is non possible. The organic veggies can non be grown in Bahrain ; all the veggies must be imported from other states. It will increase the cost of goods. Legal Tax There is no revenue enhancement system in Bahrain, it means on any sort of income you do non hold to pay any revenue enhancement. There are some kinds of responsibilities on importing points which we have to pay in any conditions but the nutrient points are free of responsibilities. The concern has to import goods but it does non hold to pay any responsibility on the nutrient material. This will ensue in the in sensible net income and concern can spread out. ( CIA, 2012 ) Torahs The fundamental law of Bahrain is based on Islamic rules. Most of the processs are completed harmonizing to the instructions of Quran. If the eating house is making something against jurisprudence or selling unhalal nutrient they can close down for this and they will neer acquire the licence once more. Business Hazards Rivals When there is a idea of get downing a concern there are besides the hazards. There are really few opportunities of a concern that does non hold any rivals. Unfortunately there are some rivals of Natural Experience in Bahrain and they are holding really good repute. They will give a tough clip to the eating house. To get the better of the rivals there will be publicity before get downing the concern. SWOT analysis of the rivals will be done and better concern scheme will be made for the operations. Natural Resources There is scarceness of natural resources in Bahrain ; most of the points are imported from other states. There is no possibility of turning resources with natural conditions. All the nutrient points are imported from other states and most of them are farm green goods so it will non be suited for the caf A ; eacute ; . The eating house has to import all the veggies and meat points from UK. This will decidedly be more but Natural Experience has to keep its quality and techniques so merely it will be successful. Licensing Obtaining licence is a large issue in Bahrain. Many steadfast acquire shutdown before get downing because they can non acquire the licence. There is a long process to acquire the licence. For minimising this hazard the concern should hold good networking accomplishments with the people in the ministries and other authorities institutes to coup detat this hazard. Monetary values The monetary values of the eating house will be high comparing with other fast-food eating houses. It is because the organic points cost more. The monetary value will definitely affairs for the clients. The Natural Experience will seek to maintain the monetary values less to retain their client ; otherwise it can non remain in the competition. Religious beliefs Bahrain is a Moslem state and they have a belief that the porc is non good to eat ; it is prohibited in the faith. There are the hazards that the licence can be acquire cancel because of selling prohibitedfood. So they have to diminish some of the points from the bill of fare which may cut down their regular clients. Advantages Organic nutrient The chief advantage of the Natural Experience is that it is selling organic nutrient which is a trade name on its ain. The people of Bahrain are truly interested in of course prepared nutrient. This will be really paid for the eating house as the clients will be more interested and they will come more to the eating house. The more the gross revenues will be the more will be the net income and the consciousness among the people will increase. Electricity Bahrain is an oil based state. Most of the gross is generated through oil production. They use fuel to bring forth electricity because of this the electricity cost it really inexpensive and they charge really less measure to the people and commercial houses. This will be a major advantage for the eating house and it reduces the cost of goods. Menu There is a huge scope of organic points in the bill of fare. The rivals in Bahrain do non hold this much dishes. This will do Natural Experience caf A ; eacute ; better than other eating houses. Anyhow the porc is prohibited but still they have a batch like poulet, beef, duck, oyster and lamb. Besides these there are many sorts of drinks and soups. Tax Bahrain is free from all sorts of revenue enhancements. The employees or the business communities do non hold to pay any sort of revenue enhancement. This will be really good for the caf A ; eacute ; . They can engage employees on less salary and they will be satisfied because they did nt hold to pay anything to authorities. Disposable income The people of Bahrain have a batch of disposable income and they like to pass it. It will be a good advantage for the caf A ; eacute ; that the population can pass and they do non hold any job from the disbursement issue. The gross of the eating house will automatically increase. Decision After all the analysis done in the study, Bahrain is holding good points and some hazards as good. The conditions are besides stable in Bahrain and there will be non much competition in organic nutrient. The statistics besides shows favourable consequences. The Natural Experience caf A ; eacute ; got good consequences in UK and it is holding truly all right nutrient and drinks. The enlargement program of this eating house will be successful so my recommendation is to open the caf A ; eacute ; in Bahrain. The grounds are as follows The political conditions are stable and running really smooth. Besides this the province is monarchy so there will be no issues of election and instability The other ground is that there is no revenue enhancement every bit explained in the study The nutrient is organic and healthy and many points are at that place in the bill of fare which will be harmonizing to the demands of the consumers The income degree is really high and they have inordinate disposable income. These were some of the major grounds that why the eating house should be unfastened in Bahrain and harmonizing to me it will run really good.

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