Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Etruscan And Roman Art History Essay - 910 Words

Hai Nguyen Professor Dumbadze Art History I Midterm November 7th, 2016 Etruscan And Roman Art The period known as the Roman Republic began with the overthrow of the last Etruscan king and lasted until the death of Julius Caesar. Historically, the Republic was a time of expansion that was accomplished through war and alliances. The expansion of the empire brought about social, political, and economic changes that defined the empire for centuries. The death of Commodus, the son of Marcus Aurelius, marked the end of the Antonine dynasty. The erosion of Roman power became increasingly more evident. Order on the frontier was difficult to maintain. Imperial power was in question. The Severans ruled until the murder of Severan Alexander. Over the next several years, times were chaotic. Finally, in 284 AD, order was restored when Diocletian was proclaimed Emperor by his troops. Diocletian divided the empire into four regions and created the Tetrarchy (rule by four). Diocletian adopted the title Augustus of the East. As time moved on from 396 BCE onwards, the Etruscan city states were overcome by Rome and absorbed into the Roman Empire. In the process, many Etruscan paintings and sculptures were destroyed and valuable bronzes melted down to make bronze coins, a common occurrence in the history of art of the time. And local art was subsumed into Roman art. As a result, the Etruscan artistic legacy is comparatively small. Collections can be seen at the National Etruscan Museum andShow MoreRelatedThe Early Influences of Rome1710 Words   |  7 Pagessouthernmost Etruscan centers[1]. These places, Caere, Tarquinii, Vulci, and Veii, were the first city-states to be formed. It wasn’t long before the great city of Rome would rise. In this essay, we will briefly comment on the founders of Rome and their influences. Taking each part of history step by step hoping to uncover the secrets of Rome’s first steps towards become a great empire. 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